
Modular Portable Staging For Schools

Modular Portable Staging For Schools

  • Saturday, 02 December 2023
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Modular Portable Staging For Schools

Modular portable staging for schools can be used in a variety of ways including speeches, award ceremonies, performances and dance shows.modular portable staging for schools The stage can also be a good place to have assemblies as the raised platform will allow speakers to be heard over everyone else in the room. Many companies that supply school modular staging will also offer a wide range of accessories and extras for their products too.

When choosing a company to supply modular school staging it is important to find out what their reputation is like and whether they are known for customer service.modular portable staging for schools The company should also be able to give you advice on the product you are purchasing and whether it will be suitable for your needs. They may even be able to show you examples of their work at other schools that have already had modular stages installed.

The lightweight StackaStage school staging system is designed for ease of use, with rounded corners and smooth edges so that children can easily assemble the stages without the risk of getting hurt. The aluminium riser leg units with ABS fittings are tough and can be used on a number of floor surfaces safely, and the durable plywood tops have a hardwearing anti-slip ‘hexa’ textured finish which is fine for occasional rainfall and easy to clean.

Adding extras to the modular school staging system can further enhance its functionality and make it a more appealing option for a school environment. For example, a ramp can be added to the side of the stage for wheelchair users or to help those with impaired balance to reach the top level. There are also safety rails that can be fitted around the edge of the stage to provide additional security for all those using it.

School staging can be customised by adding steps, ramps and guardrails to suit a specific requirement or to comply with health and safety regulations. Alternatively, a stage kit can be purchased that contains all the staging components you need to create a fully functional school stage. This can include a complete set of stage decks, transportation trolleys and step units.

There are 17 stage kits available that can be combined to create a school stage in any size required. The stages are quick to assemble and the trolleys can be stacked flat when not in use. The modular school staging systems are incredibly light and a 2m x 1m stage deck weighs just 32kg – so two people can lift it easily.

Modular school staging can be used in a range of different settings, including school halls, gymnasiums and classrooms. They can also be used outside, though this should be done with caution as the weather can be unpredictable and windy. If possible, the staging should be located near evergreen trees to block out the wind and shade it if necessary.

Modular school staging companies can be hired to provide their products for short or long-term periods. This will usually be done on a contract basis and can be a good way to save money in the longer term. The school will need to agree on a budget for the duration of the contract and the staging company will then invoice the school accordingly.

Tags:custom modular portable stage system | 4*4 folding modular portable stage

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